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Was I Pardoned?
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Posted 1/21/2025 20:31 (#11067332 - in reply to #11067298)
Subject: RE: Was I Pardoned?

Thank You
Yes it's odd, LEO opened the doors, held them open, we walked in, chatted with , shook hands with, and left when they said it was time to go.
There were some who got in skirmishes with police, that is unacceptable, and nobody condones that. Unfortunately with a crowd that size, the opposition infiltrating, FEDs pushing an outcome, and plain bad apples, there will be conflict.
Sadly I saw way more LEO instigated conflict than the other way around. Still doesn't justify it but when tensions are high it doesn't take much of a spark to start something.

Edited by Paystar500 1/21/2025 20:32
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