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Hog Confinement
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Posted 1/21/2025 10:11 (#11066367 - in reply to #11066039)
Subject: RE: Hog Confinement

Alton, Ia
ctnfarms - 1/21/2025 06:21

IADAVE - 1/20/2025 21:22

How much do they pay per head to raise them? ( I assume contract feeding)

If they put them in as iso-weans they will get about $100,000 per year. If they fill with 50 lb pigs it'll be about $87,000 per year. From those figures you have to pay for water, electricity, repairs, power washing, labor etc. At well over a million dollars they are horrible investments currently. Not many people looking to fill barns either.

But but but you get free manure!!! ****
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