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Ontological shock
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 1/21/2025 01:03 (#11065872 - in reply to #11064434)
Subject: RE: help me out here OGB......

Altoona, WI
Great question. The general consensus is that those who claim have had some contact with them say they are told that humanity isn't ready for it yet. I believe we are going through a process right now to fix that.

Another explanation that I have seen that makes sense to me is that they are so much more advanced in every way than we are that we are insignificant to them. Think of yourself walking around your yard. There are ant colonies all over the place. You are mostly unaware of them because of their insignificance to you and they rarely see you unless you happen to step over their ant hill, and then it is only fleeting.

One thing that everyone should probably know is that they have a very keen interest in our nuclear facilities, both for power and our weapons. This isn't just in the U.S. either since all nuclear powers have reported activity at their sites. They have even gone so far as to shut down our missile readiness, which the Air Force takes EXTREMELY seriously. Our missiles are on all the time, ready for launch, and have been shut down by UAP. Russians take the opposite approach. Their missiles are off until needed and UAP have actually fired their missiles up. They seem to be sending us a message that we ultimately are not really in control.

There is even a video out there on the net from back in the 60s where we test launched a missile, it was in space traveling at 8K miles per hour (with a dummy warhead), and a UFO circled the flying missile shooting beams of light at it, an the missile ended up shutting down and falling back to earth.
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