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Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 1/20/2025 19:08 (#11065312 - in reply to #11064969)
Subject: RE: Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.

Altoona, WI
Well, there is "successful" and then there is wildly successful. An average person can make successful company. Often times they can do that by having the "my way or the highway" attitude with their employees. Even employees of average intelligence often have great ideas to improve work flows, quality, or efficiency. They make it work by busting their asses their entire lives and usually go online or to Sunday coffee shop and bitch non-stop about how they can't get anyone to work for them, or the ones they do have are lousy workers with no motivation. You know the type.

But occasionally, rarely, you get a guy who really knows what it takes to make his business wildly successful. He can recognize real talent, finds a way to utilize that talent, empowers his people to implement changes, challenges the employees who want to be challenged so they won't get bored, and compensates them well. People who are fortunate enough to find those rarities will give their all for that business.

So yes, I do recognize the OPs challenges, but I found that I can do drone type jobs without getting bored IF I am working for a leader who gives me some freedom to make necessary changes to improve efficiency. I had a guy like that for awhile. He was new and admitted that he didn't know sh_t from shoe polish and gave me the green light to "go for it'. I did, had things running like a top, and was being noticed by upper management for my efforts. It was at that point that boss man decided that it just wasn't right for someone like me to potentially pass him over and literally began to sabotage my efforts, even though he was sabotaging himself in the process. I wasn't about to go whine to the top brass about it since I have learned that when crap like that starts to happen, you can often find yourself in a no-win situation long term. So I left, bought a herd of dairy cows, and have been farming on my own ever since.

So, I may remind you of the OP but you are starting to appear to be that boss who is merely "successful" and unwilling to let your employees shine. Or worse yet, maybe you are my former boss who can't accept that someone else might be better at the job than you are and gets his rocks off on stomping down anyone who is just because you somehow ended up in a leadership role with no knowledge of the role??
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