ecmn | Magnet - 1/20/2025 09:00
Hi easy money, can you elaborate on the carbon competing with the seedling? I've been using humic, is your comment on in furrow apps only? I've been using it for 3 or 4 years now... I don't want to overdue it. Thanks I always appreciate your knowledge on soil health
Carbon is same but different than humic or fulvic acids,
You hear about carbon to N ratio. Soil life uses N to break down carbon and it's soil life breaking down the carbon. So instead of soil life surrounding the seed and bring it nutrients they are drawn to the carbon.
More scientific answer will get out of my depth of understanding.
Fulvic is smaller and easily broken molecule
When the guy selling carbon says 7 lbs to the acre and I say then let's go to 50 and kick this thing in gear. And he says no stick to 7 lbs of his product. That says something about the power of carbon and a guy that wants to help vs sell |