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Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.
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Posted 1/20/2025 11:54 (#11064448 - in reply to #11064385)
Subject: RE: Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.

Central ND
fastline1 - 1/20/2025 11:24

Original Greaser Bob - 1/20/2025 09:51

davpal - 1/19/2025 17:05
I know plenty of people with high IQs and none of them are financially successful. I also know plenty of people that are what people consider not smart that are incredibly successful. Because they never thought they were above regular work because they thought they should be designing rockets for nasa.

You are correct about high IQ people not being the most successful, but you seem to imply that the cause is laziness or thinking they are above doing the work at the bottom and working their way up. In reality, the largest cause is the fact that very intelligent people tend to be deep thinkers that will look at a prospective career path and find all kinds of potential pitfalls that will convince themselves to avoid. People of average intelligence never consider the pitfalls, dive in head first, and eventually will have to address those pitfalls. And one of the major pitfalls they tend to see is outright boredom. Smart people like to be challenged and let's face it, most career paths with the exception of cutting edge fields end up being a day to day grind that doesn't bother average people as much. Our OP appears to be a good example. He could use his machines in a dirty old building to produce parts for the average guy (and probably find a lot of work since there seems to always be demand for that service), but that would get to be boring since there isn't a lot of challenge to it for a very intelligent person. He instead is going after the high end market that requires a much more strict working environment.

Thank you. Probably the only one that may understand. I realize my mistake now. I know better than to ever tell someone I am not stupid. While everyone here wants me to just take that dead end job, not only will I be running my fuel/truck costs to go do that job, driving risks, etc, I know the job will eventually lead me to eating a bullet because I already lost 25 years of my life for absolutely nothing, I simply don't get to excited to spin wheels for other 20y I got left. And when my body finally gives up, my big daddy employer will find a reason to remove me. Say it won't happen. I see it all the time. I chop off a hand, someone will give me $30k for my trouble and see me to the door.

Though the main theme here is I have not lost enough yet. I literally need to be on the streets. Sell everything. Not appreciating that while you guys were stuffing what you earned into bank accounts, I was using every dime my business made to invest in more equipment. Not a new truck, boat, nothing but business. Packaging equipment, tooling, fixtures, measuring equipment, etc. Decades of buying what I needed..... Now rotting and worthless. Much of it sitting in my dad's garage rusting. It has mentally destroyed me to watch it all go up in smoke. But I have realize when you guys are done pecking a response, you get to return to your family in a warm home and business. I get to live this minute by minute.

Brain rot is real for me. I've had to work very crappy jobs. Not a single one was anything but mundane and I know I will either quit or get fired on the regular because you can only take a bolt out or put one in so many times before you are now the ace bolt turning guy.

No, sorry, engineers with a 25 YEAR gap in work history won't get paid $6fig around here. There is all sorts of j.o.b.s (just over broke) I can do, but I see things crystal clear, and i've run many spreadsheets. It will be about 10y before I could buy a building, and that assumes my truck never breaks and we have no inflation. So pretty much, I am literally signing my own death warrant. I'm not trying to be dramatic, just real. Greaser is literally the only one that seems to understand that a high functioning brain is NOT an asset for me! Yes, I've had many employers try to take full advantage me, but not a single one ever paid me for it. All the real money I ever earned in my life was through self employment. In many cases, buy/sell flip deals because I can fix things most people can't. That doesn't mean I bought "projects" as much as what I can assess as probably a simple fix.

As a short story, my brother needed a box truck. Actually found a nice one for cheap because it stopped running and was taken to two shops and they told him it needed a complete fuel system. Injectors, pump, etc. I studied the shop receipts while talking to seller. Then examined the truck carefully. What I realized is the shops lied to him and didn't do a thing. I told my brother to buy it and call a wrecker. When it got to my place, I nearly had it running before the wrecker was gone and it has now run perfectly for 2 years.

I guess in all, it is just a LOT to unpack all that is in my head. I've amassed a mountain of useful knowledge that I intended to exercise. I know any employer would love it, but they certainly won't pay extra for it. Hell, I worked for a huge aerospace OEM 25y ago. They laid everyone off, including the only guy that had training in their key lock systems. Someone asked if I could study it as no one has been able to connect the dots, but they were willing to send me to Denver for a week to get trained. Within 4hrs I was making keys and locks. These are high security where I can make different operating, master, and control keys. In short, I saved that company because their only option was to call people in from out of state to help. All I got was a POB.... This is why I am bitter and I went and did my own thing.

And I really can't help the people that seem to disbelieve the income I mentioned in MFG. All I will say is "don't follow that path, I lied, there is no money in it"...LMAO...... This is the wrong forum to have that sort of technical discussion, but I will remind I have 25y in aerospace mfg. Thus why I am pulling my hair out.

Again, if you have that knowledge and are so sure that equipment will make you that kind of money then GET IT DONE! If you can make thousands of dollars an hour you will have no problem finding a lender or investor.....noone is going to do it for you. If you're equipment is worth so much why haven't you used that to get the ball rolling? You are not the only person in the world to have bad luck, you seem to think that just because you are 40+ years old with some bad luck the world owes you something.......noone owes you anything. Go to the bank with a list of this valuable equipment and potential orders from some of these outfits that will pay you 5 figures a day to run those machines......

Edited by jd4930 1/20/2025 11:58
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