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Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 1/20/2025 09:51 (#11064162 - in reply to #11063192)
Subject: RE: Personal...."go fund me"...I need to fix my path.

Altoona, WI
davpal - 1/19/2025 17:05
I know plenty of people with high IQs and none of them are financially successful. I also know plenty of people that are what people consider not smart that are incredibly successful. Because they never thought they were above regular work because they thought they should be designing rockets for nasa.

You are correct about high IQ people not being the most successful, but you seem to imply that the cause is laziness or thinking they are above doing the work at the bottom and working their way up. In reality, the largest cause is the fact that very intelligent people tend to be deep thinkers that will look at a prospective career path and find all kinds of potential pitfalls that will convince themselves to avoid. People of average intelligence never consider the pitfalls, dive in head first, and eventually will have to address those pitfalls. And one of the major pitfalls they tend to see is outright boredom. Smart people like to be challenged and let's face it, most career paths with the exception of cutting edge fields end up being a day to day grind that doesn't bother average people as much. Our OP appears to be a good example. He could use his machines in a dirty old building to produce parts for the average guy (and probably find a lot of work since there seems to always be demand for that service), but that would get to be boring since there isn't a lot of challenge to it for a very intelligent person. He instead is going after the high end market that requires a much more strict working environment.
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