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New World Screwworm Fly
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Posted 1/19/2025 21:23 (#11063614 - in reply to #11061532)
Subject: RE: New World Screwworm Fly

We sure don't need more troubles in life. But the screwworm dose not go around attacking livestock. Here in central California we had a out break of them in the 1970's late summer/fall. We are fall calving country, so new claves had to watched that the worms did not get in the navel. Also being brush country had an older animal or two that got a cut or scratch that needed doctoring. It seemed to end with colder weather to end fly season.

Grubs and warbles are larva of the heel fly. The early poor on insecticides for all practical purposes eradicated them here. Generally the worst they did was just slow down the growth of cattle. Horses were a bigger issue as we only had a handful and could become unrideable from the time a warble showed until it matured and the wound healed.

With "FRIENDS" like the NCBA who needs enemies.

Edited by Ray54 1/19/2025 21:24
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