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Soybean Test Weight
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JRCS Farms
Posted 1/19/2025 14:32 (#11062925 - in reply to #11062394)
Subject: RE: Soybean Test Weight

North Central Indiana
Oh my… you’re technically right but your last sentence is laughable and meaningless.
“You could fill a bushel basket full of corn and it actually weighs 60 pounds this is where test weight comes into the factor.”

When’s the last time you did that? When’s the last time someone showed up to your farm with their bushel basket to buy some corn? They just put it on the ticket because the moisture tester gives them the number. Thank you for proving that test weight is pointless for all purposes except premiums for extra heavy or dock for extra light. For 99% of the corn grown, test weight never changes anything

Edited by JRCS Farms 1/19/2025 14:32
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