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Cpap- ivermectin and fenbenzole
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Posted 1/19/2025 11:49 (#11062633 - in reply to #11061923)
Subject: RE: Cpap- ivermectin and fenbenzole

I used to drive our volunteer ambulance. One of my jobs was to gather meds to take along to the hospital. There were times I would fill 2-3 gallon ziplocks with meds. Many times they knew they were supposed to take 6 pills, so they just reached in the drawer and pulled out 6 bottles.
Lots of times they had a short stay to wean them off everything and start over and they were fine. Some of these folks were seeing a bunch of different doctors and none of them worried what the others were prescribing, and it didn’t help that some of the folks were using 4 or 5 different pharmacies.
Supposedly systems in place now to help alleviate that.
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