Germany, Cottbus | In our area and soils and limingschedule we made the experience that it takes often more than what is currently
recommended, to move the needle. It is my feeling that even more interactions exist than just the calcium bs/ pH
und water soluble boron level. Some people talk about a relation between the calciumpounds per acre and the available
boron. Therefor a soil with a cec of 15 with a bs of 60%calcium would need double the amount of boron than a
soil with a cec of 7.5 with a bs of 60% calcium.
I dont know for sure and am reluctant to tell any numbers but can tell for sure the more lime you applied in the
near past the more boron it takes.
Depending on your soil and water i would maybe think about putting out the standart 2.4pound of actual boron in fall
and another 2.4pound of boron in spring atleast 4 weeks preplant. But as i said, it has lots to do with your calcium/lime
regime. How are your Boronlevels?
There is a company i am working with that produces a fertilizermixture which includes boronacid and calciumborate, the
later beeing slower soluble. We are frequently putting out a total of 5pounds of actual boron in one pass with this
fertilizer with good succes. The calciumborate just kicks in later when plants are already growing. Therefor lower risk
of borontoxity... | |