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Low budget semi load liquid fert storage/containment?
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Posted 1/18/2025 14:11 (#11061340 - in reply to #11060990)
Subject: RE: Low budget semi load liquid fert storage/containment?

Northwest Illinois
Del Peterson auctions have tanks usually once or twice a month. I have stainless and plastic but only store during peak season needs (April 1 through 4th of July). How many months are you wanting to buy ahead? Electric pumps would be slick but more costly. Good sight gauges are really nice to know how much is in tank. 3” plastic seems to leak no matter how many wraps of teflon and liquid teflon is used. Stainless is nice but expensive and having air to blow hoses out when filling the nurse truck or tanker would be nice. When mixing 32 and ATS, numbered site gauges or a meter is helpful. 28% stores over winter better then 32% and 32% premixed with a certain amount of ATS will work down to a certain temperature before salting out occurs. I typically prepay in December or January and don’t want delivery until at least end of march.
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