coast of Maine | It is correct Tommy to treat them politely.I could tell you of the few times I did not but I was young and dumber.Then there is the ticket you get even though you were polite.
Just (I know it takes time and $$) go to court on any ticket.I did not bother at a young age but after 45 I decided to go when ever I received a ticket even over weight fines.Part was the increases in insurance if I get a record.I have had always a positive outcome of going to court,either reduced to no fine or dismissed.You will be shocked at the dregs of society in line to get in .Most have a metal detector at door .I once traveled 550 miles round trip to a city courtroom,,she threw it out when I explained it would affect my CDL.Bunch of coffee at 4 Am,hour or two in waiting,coffee and donuts,back home in the afternoon,,was quite entertaining as well..It I suggest all to try,, | |