UP / Thumb of Michigan | Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 1/16/2025 07:12
I'm interested in hearing what it is that can get you banned from an entire beer drinking festival?
I posted a response to the question and left for the day. Just got back in. Apparently, there are some questions revolving around something I said that happened. It wasn't a solo effort, I had help from some friends. I'll place part of the blame on them. They won't mind, they'd do the same for me.
Its not that I'm necessarily proud of the events today. We all thought we were just having good clean fun back then.
So, heres the back story. The same weekend as the Bavarian Festival, there was usually another event we attended. For reasons I don't recall now that event wasn't going on that year. So, there were a few of us that decided we'd broaden our horizons and head over to see what was going on in Frankenmuth. Two van loads took off from our local favorite watering hole. Most of us had spent the afternoon there already, formulating a plan. A couple had started the day before getting ready for the weekend.
We get to Frankenmuth in good shape. On the way into the beer tent, one of us (wasn't me) spotted a few young ladies that looked like they were a little lost. Turns out there was a whole busload of girls from Ontario on a church group trip. I don't recall what denomination they were. We invited them to join us, they seemed happy to do so. They said they'd wondered off from the main group, thought they would have more fun down at the beer tent instead of whatever it was the rest of their group was doing.
First thing that got us in a bit of trouble was that we commenced to have some drinking games. Chugging beer in different manners. And before anyone gets the wrong idea here, some of the games were introduced to us by our new Canadian friends. They could hold their won we found out. They were going for the gusto just like us I guess.
So, that frivolity went on for a hour or so. One of the security people who had been fairly tolerant wasn't anymore. He thought we were getting too loud and could we tone it down some. We tried.
Being as we couldn't entertain ourselves loudly chugging beer, and didn't know how to do that quietly, had to try something different. Someone suggested a floor show out on the dance floor. That was all ad libbed, but was very popular with most of the attendees. At least we all thought so anyway. The polka band was getting pretty disgusted with us, however. They thought they were getting upstaged or something I guess. So, the first security person approached us again, only he'd brought some other security guards for us to meet also. General consensus among them was that although they felt the show was above average (I think anyway), the band was mad and we should set back down and be quiet. So, one of my buddies decided at that point that there was nothing left to do but invent the now sort of famous "Moon over the Cass River" move to the band. Now, timing is everything I guess. At that same time, the chaperones for the young ladies from Ontario showed up with the county police in tow. Apparently, the girls were attended the Beer tent without their approval, and a mini manhunt had been happening. Everyone was happy they'd been found safe and sound. But we all got hauled outside of the tent and it was decided (without us having any input whatsoever) that the girls were going back with their group, and we were ejected from the event. I brought up the fact that we had bought a weekend pass, and could we either get a refund or could we come back tomorrow. No to both. So, I says, I think we have ourselves a legal issue here that we may have to address. The head county cop said he'd be glad to accommodate us. He was willing to load us all up (well, except the church group from Ontario) and haul us down the Saginaw County Jail for the weekend, and we'd be meeting a judge Monday morning. Now this was Friday evening, none of thought that spending the next couple days in the Saginaw County Jail was a good idea. So, the next option was to call some sober friends from back home and have them come over and take us all home. We took that option.
All the young ladies left with their honor intact. We all left pretty peacefully, that trip to jail was a real deterrent. Again, its not one of those things I'm real proud of, and in fact hadn't thought about it in quite some time. I did smile a little bit as I was reminiscing though. | |