Hooker Twp,Ne | From what if been told. Old fellow ( think from England) came to America years ago and with horse and spade went through our county and some out west and south and Louisiana and other parts and bought land from civil war soldier. Dollar or two/ acre. Beer money for them and is how U.S. paid them. So in county I live they have around 20,000 acres. Believe more in nuckols county and have no clue on balance. Well they rented the land out resonable at the time and farmers placed homes and building on the farms. Now called Improvement on lease land. So when farmer ready to retire the farmer would find someone willing to buy there building and home and if that individual had scully blessing the land and building went to next individual. Usually as long as you paid your rent and took care of land you could expect to be able to keep farming it. However no subleasing. Last few years they have become a bit more strict and a few have lost the lease do to having it all custom farmed by someone else or just not taking care of the land. Actually been good deal but they are the landlords and you need to respect that. They only ever sold one 160 acre farm as far as I know. They have switched farms with farmers at times. They have their own land manager and attorney. Good people. Son and I farm several of their farms. This is kind of how their system works. | |