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Cost of airplane water
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Russ In Idaho
Posted 1/15/2025 07:16 (#11056659 - in reply to #11056626)
Subject: RE: Cost of airplane water

Dave, I wouldn't say control over them. But have to work with them. Our way of life and our land is intertwined with theirs. I was brought up and respected federal lands management. My own father federal lands manager. I saw the environmental tribe infiltrate management. They ran all the good people out.

The last 30+ years has been hell in some regards, in dealing on issues. But we now have a young set of management in our areas that want to work with us and the land. It has been very refreshing the last few years. These are on the ground range cons willing to work, we've been up front with them, likewise with us. I really hope it continues, as I'd rather work with them than against.

This lady I was dealing with was the results of the last thirty years ready to pull the plug and retire. It's sad they don't even know rules and regulations on the land they managed. More worried about cultural studies on land than easements or travel management rights for us. This is on land that was farmed, then they got it back. White man has already left his presence on the land. It's not pristine anymore.
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