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Grandpas hearing aids
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Posted 1/15/2025 03:53 (#11056561 - in reply to #11056236)
Subject: RE: Grandpas hearing aids

Its not the fact, of being addicted to them . Its the fact, of being able to hear way more sounds out there.
I use to think that the frogs populations just got down to so few, as in the spring I could only hear a few singing. Then when I first got
the HA's , I said wow there are so many of them singing.

Hearing loss is just not all the sounds being harder to hear. Its the different notes (tones) getting harder to hear or just disappearing.
That's why it is so hard to understand speech , as all people talk in different tones all the time. So you only hear some of the words being spoke and lots of
time the word would sound like another word and meaning. That is why ,you have to wear the HA's all the time.

They do make a wind sock that will fit over your behind the ear HA, but they are hard to find and they are a little bulky.

My hearing stuff is the only reason that I'm still able to farm and to enjoy life. Without them I would likely just sit in the chair and look out the window and fade away.
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