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If you were 14, a Freshman in Highschool and needed a FFA SAE Project...
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Posted 1/13/2025 07:46 (#11053754 - in reply to #11052707)
Subject: RE: If you were 14, a Freshman in Highschool and needed a FFA SAE Project...

Mid MO
I had 6 sows and a registered black Angus named rosebud. A cow that I'd raised as a bottle calf named Sandra.

Fooled around backgrounding calves with my brother and gave away my 10.acres of corn one year.

I'd tell.a younger me to quit the darn cheerleading and find someone to work for that would hire a girl. Learn as much as you can and quit wasting time trying to fit in and doing "respectable" girlie type crap. That advice would've sent my folks.into a tizzy.

Direct sales would be the most lucrative but I think the pathdepends onf where thekid wantss to live as an adult. Are they coming home or wanting a town job? Live near yuppies with money or out in the boonies?

10 acres of brome in small squares and a pumpkin patch would be a pretty good kid job.
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