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Anyone watch the 20/20 LA Burning?
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 1/12/2025 10:49 (#11052387 - in reply to #11052143)
Subject: RE: Anyone watch the 20/20 LA Burning?

Chebanse, IL.....

You've been around a little...what would you suggest doing if you lived there? What does your son & other locals think should be done to prevent future problems like this one? Billions in property damage & people being killed. 

I personally think that anyone that rebuilds in the areas where hurricanes occur on a more INcreasingly level, isn't making the best decision (PC words). One does lose sympathy as an outsider after the 2nd or 3rd time. Are there more fires in this area than there was 50 yrs ago? If so...why? If not, then no big deal, go ahead & rebuild & hope you make to the end of life before the next event.

And most of all, regardless of who or what is to blame, or not, we will all pay for this in increased insurance rates. That's the way insurance companies work. 

Re. making money....any big area pays a lot. Beginning teachers in Chicago (CTU) make more than long-time administrators in rural Illinois. But, car-jacking & murders down the block aren't real prevalent downstate yet. The big pay comes with a price.

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