SW OH | I grew up driving an 1800 IH that dad bought when I was 10. It was our grain and dry fertilizer hauler for years. 392 gas with a 5 and 3. The 5 speed was synchronized but not the 3. The 3 had a deep underdrive, and slight overdrive. The jump from 2-3 and 3-4 was big, so overdrive was used to split them. Over time the synchros went bad floating was the only way to shift the 5. The 3 always had to be floated. We scrapped it 25 years ago but I could drive it today in my sleep. Wind it up in 2nd direct, then OD, then put the 5 in neutral, 3 back in direct, then the 5 in 3rd, then OD, then the 5 in neutral, 3 in direct, 5 in 4th, 5th, then OD if you had a tail wind. 60 MPH was top speed at 4,000 RPMs which was rare.
One fall while unloading corn at home pieces of the throwout bearing fell out, on the ground. We had 40 acres to go on the other side of town and a heavy week long rain was coming in 2 days. We wanted to finish before the rain so we drove it without being able to disengage the clutch. It would start in 1st UD loaded. There were 9 traffic lights in town to go through. The hardest part was backing up to the auger without running over it because it was slightly uphill and you had to turn off the key to stop.
Mitchco | |