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Anyone watch the 20/20 LA Burning?
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Posted 1/12/2025 06:28 (#11052004 - in reply to #11051930)
Subject: Cmon Baby let's hear it!

Southeast WI
"Yes, I feel terrible for those affected by these fires. I wish our forest management practices would use more common sense."

OK. Valid point. Every board I've served on has had an informal policy. If you bitch about something or criticize the way something is being done you HAVE to come up with a workable solution or at least move the ball down the field and improve the situation. First time I was involved with this was because of meetings with teachers and all they could do is criticize the way the board and admin did things. Policy instituted and 90% of bitching stopped and the other 10%? Teachers stepped up and became part of the solution.

History lesson over. You love extolling your intelligence across a broad range of subjects. What should common sense forest mgt practices in California look like? Get the parameters out there and next step is to discuss the cost.

One practice I've seen in the west in small areas around monuments and park buildings is frequent picking up of dry tinder under brush, pile in small teepees in summer and then control burn them in winter. That's one very expensive approach. Your turn now!
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