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Farm program payments?
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Posted 1/11/2025 12:49 (#11051140 - in reply to #11050979)
Subject: RE: Farm program payments?

farmincboy - 1/11/2025 11:30

OK guys before this gets out of hand with welfare crowd.
Please read up before posting.
YES there is a check coming late January early Feb.
This was part of the prevent Goverment shut down bill in late Dec. This money is for everybody who had drought issues including myself
I am pretty close on the figures.
43 an acre for corn
31.65 for beans
30 for wheat.
125,000 cap on payments unless you figure out how to get around the system
There are other crops that get money also (cotton etc.)
Just to wind things up for the welfare crowd - - our farm likes the help, our year sucked and insurance did not cover everything to keep us going.
I would rather have going to us farmers rather than people who make a living being on welfare for generations. I have often thought talking to these career welfare people to see how they do it.

I agree 100% , give some help to people that work .

Admittedly I’m very pro farm , but who helps the country more a Farmer or an able bodied person smoking weed all day sitting on the porch.

I saw that a lot . I’d guess there are places like where I worked .
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