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what is with all the visa talk
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Posted 12/31/2024 20:01 (#11035368 - in reply to #11035289)
Subject: RE: what is with all the visa talk

You make a couple good points. I still don't see whats bad about the program. We are all immigrants if you go back far enough. The way the program works you have to take any Americans that apply. They don't apply because they are not here. These foreigners are looking to better their life. They come over here taking jobs that no american applys for. It's a big hassle of a process for the company.
We got 3/4 the way thru the process but then at last minute a local guy called and we took him on.

There is many local businesses that have H2B workers. They love them because they show up ready to work every day and don't fail their drug test or work for a week get a paycheck then quit. I would say half of those H2B people love it here and start working on a green card. I have no problem with hard working people that dont cause trouble and add value to our area coming and staying.

What i don't like is what's happening now with the open borders. Letting any person that feels like it walk in and get all this crap the govt is giving them. Take care of our own homeless and troubled people first. We don't even know who these people are.

The other great thing about H2A or B we get to see what these people are like before allowing them in our country. If they are trouble makers they are sent back. These clowns in office now are letting all of them in good and bad. There needs to be a screening process for national security.
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