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First Generation.
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Posted 12/29/2024 11:58 (#11031546 - in reply to #11031491)
Subject: RE: First Generation.

Southeast Colorado
hinfarm - 12/29/2024 10:23

Just because you have the same last name doesn't mean you are exempt from doing jobs nobody likes.

There is a VERY large 3rd generation farmer in my area. He owns grain elevators, banks, mills, and lots and lots of land.

Back in 2017 we had a freak Spring winter storm on April 30th/May 1st that killed a lot of cows. He had quite a few that were dead in a snow bank that went across the highway about a mile out of my hometown. When I drove by several days later he was out dragging them off with his tractor. He had lost close to 100 head.........and it had warmed up and they were stinking. I was glad to see he was out doing the fun job of cleaning up.
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