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Lime pack in a livestock building
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Posted 12/28/2024 21:02 (#11030816 - in reply to #11029626)
Subject: RE: Lime pack in a livestock building

What is the starting pad material? Clay? sand? In my experience a clay/class 5 mixture that is packed by sheep hooves is equivalent to concretes hardness. I can't speak on how to handle a sand base.

I have also placed finely ground limestone down in an attempt to prevent foot scald. With a little moisture and sheep hooves this was packed firmly too.

If this is class five or equivalent I would suggest starting with 4-6". Get it damp and have them work it into a pack. Sheep hooves do a great job packing limestone. Avoid any bedding as long as possible. Grade the area around the building so no water comes in or the waterer isn't keeping it wet and you will have a pad that will be able to support the skid steer for clean out without the cost/effort of concrete.
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