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Will the younger farmer not accept an opportunity when given?
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Posted 12/28/2024 16:19 (#11030364 - in reply to #11030341)
Subject: RE: Will the younger farmer not accept an opportunity when given?

20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana
fatan sassy - 12/28/2024 16:07

GrainTrader - 12/28/2024 15:55

fatan sassy - 12/28/2024 15:43

David - 12/28/2024 15:41

Capitalism doesn’t care about which family you are or are not born into.

It cares about dollars and cents. What is stopping you from borrowing money to compete with the generational person?

Equity and collateral

Edit and interest

You’re not wrong. Best we can do it bite off smaller pieces at a time and hope we can piece them into bigger later on.

“Not wrong” is a far superior acknowledgement than I get from my wife when I’m RIGHT! LOL

Same here east of the Mississippi.
What part of north mo are you? I’ve probably asked before. Have family in/around Linn County. Love that area.
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