NEMO | Thatonefarmer4321 - 12/27/2024 11:26
Welp! looks like Im leaving the farm from what it sounds like unless I find something I could possibly do. Grandpa thinks my best course is to leave the farm and go to college. He told me he's not pressuring me into it but from what he said he made it loud and clear so.
I would try and start something beside the farm but I really don't even know what to start. Im good with cattle and understand how the game is played but I'm afraid ima buy and prices are gonna drop. Well Ive read a handful of your guys replies and was wondering on how this whole goat deal works. Is this something I could truly do with are milking parlor and make it work? We got a double 8 parlor. Also what would be the start up cost for something like this and are they on bed pack? Last thing is what do you feed them TMR?
I highly recommend a 1 or 2 year ag tech or ag science program at a college. Or go to a trade school for something you would be interested in - heating and air, electrician or lineman, mechanic, heavy equipment operator, etc.
Just do something to get away from home for a year or two. The experience and life situations will be the main education and you will have something to fall back on.
The time to experience life is now. Go on a harvest or silage crew.
20 years from now you will look back and be glad you did something away from the farm for a year or two.
A lot can happen in 2 years. The farm and your family may really miss you and figure out a way to bring you back or open a door for you.
Also don't be afraid to get on your knees and pray about it. The Good Lord will hear your prayers.
Edited by cows-n-crops 12/28/2024 16:11