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AI for grain marketing...
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Posted 12/27/2024 21:37 (#11029191 - in reply to #11028835)
Subject: RE: AI for grain marketing...

Indrtfmr - 12/27/2024 16:53

Ot looks like to me all ai does is repeat what what all the analyst say, don't see a thing that ai knows more than anyone. I think ai isn't going to be that big of deal for everything as it's promoted to be. It just repeats what it hears.

It’s a better search in some respects because of the summaries it does. It compiles and reprocesses information it gathered into a more human seeming output then just a list of links.

Interesting advice but nothing remarkable. Question of where it’s gathering or linking its sources and does it break paywallls to obtain information?
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