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Brillion guys
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Posted 12/27/2024 14:18 (#11028596 - in reply to #11027978)
Subject: RE: Brillion guys

Pretty different mix for me but giving it a shot regardless.

65 lbs forage barley, 4 lbs Italian ryegrass, 6 lbs meadow brome. That’ll go in the big box on my international drill and is the least I can get through it or I’d use less barley. I’d like to tow the brillion behind and get the Timothy between the rows if possible.

Diagonally I’ll plant 25 lbs (I’ll have my buddy do the cross drilling as his Great Plains can drill that low of volume) of sainfoin as it needs its own row to compete. It does well with meadow brome and Timothy. The barley and Italian ryegrass are companion crops to get it all going as we are farming organically. I also need some income off the field for year one.
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