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Cant make Beef cattle work for us!
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Posted 12/27/2024 13:40 (#11028563 - in reply to #11028543)
Subject: RE: Cant make Beef cattle work for us!

West Michigan
Shimmy1 - 12/27/2024 14:25

Thatonefarmer4321 - 12/27/2024 12:26

Welp! looks like Im leaving the farm from what it sounds like unless I find something I could possibly do. Grandpa thinks my best course is to leave the farm and go to college. He told me he's not pressuring me into it but from what he said he made it loud and clear so.

Well, this sure isn't what everyone was hoping for I'm sure, but considering how the dad and uncle turned out not really a surprise. Sorry if that's too harsh.

To be completely on honest with you I wasn't even planing on bring it up but we got to talking on what the future of the farm entailed and what the plan was for this spring and the next thing I know he's telling me college seems to be the best option in his eyes for me at least. Which I may sound smart but Im far from it academicaly wise. Only stuff I feel I'm smart in is stuff I truly enjoy and have a passion for. I can't learn for some reason if I have no interest in it.

He was nice about it but very pressing on the college deal. He was on the milk board for years and eventually they wanted to make him president and at the time he did not feel smart enough for it. But now he feels if he had gone to college 65 years ago right after high school he would have been smart enough to take on that roll as president. My grandma has always told me its easier to look back on the past and look at all the things you did wrong but seemed right at the time.
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