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sunlight in a confinement
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Posted 12/27/2024 10:07 (#11028244)
Subject: sunlight in a confinement

Cullom, Illinois

In the design of most modern cattle confinement facilities, sunlight is a factor.  It's one of the selling points of a monoslope. Getting sunlight and warmth to the cattle during the months when the sun is low in the sky. But then I see most dairy loafing sheds have the traditonal feed alley down the middle with almost no sunlight available.  Seems to me, dairy cattle would be affected more by cold winter days than fat cattle.  I realize a higher energy ration could help offset this some.  And cattle have worse performance in the summer heat than they do in the winter cold.  So why don't we see more barns built like the dairy barns with the feed alley down the middle?  Maybe some on here are feeding that way already?  I'd like to see some pictures and if you like your setups.  Maybe some changes you would make to the design. 

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