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Bloomington Livestock
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Posted 12/26/2024 14:06 (#11026964)
Subject: Bloomington Livestock

This is by no means a post bashing the barn but the more I talk to people the more I find out about this barn being hot with bugs in calves coming out. I bought 145 head of calves out of there Nov. 1. After the first 14 days we had pulled and treated 26% of the calves along with 2 rounds of CTC, We ran them through and mass treated with Draxxin KP and currently sitting at 3.4% death loss with a couple more that will be cronics at this point.

I have talked to a few different guys who have the same kind of luck out of that barn and just curious if others have had the same experience? Weather wasnt on our side either as the day they came in was nice but started raining and pretty sure the calves saw the sun 3 out of the first 30 they were in our yards. I never mentioned to my vet where the calves came from until a week ago and found out they have an autogenous myco vaccine for calves that come out of that barn so obviously Im not the only one that has had issues. Mostly blame myself for this because I should have been a little more proactive talking with the vet on issues and having calves posted, usually have post at least a couple, but this time I didnt to see what exactly was going on.
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