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Realistic saving on NH3 bulk on farm?
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Posted 12/26/2024 07:48 (#11026404 - in reply to #11026154)
Subject: RE: Realistic saving on NH3 bulk on farm?

AS6K - 12/25/2024 20:24

I know it is very location specific, and I'm in western KY. My question, what do others really see in on farm bulk tank savings over retail? I have a friend who claims his family buys NH3 for 55-65% ish summer filling vs winter prepay retail. That's enough to get me interested. Anyone care to give there experiences or recent cost of purchasing/setting up tanks. Thinking 2-30,000 bottles or really whatever I could find most economically to get me 45-70,000 gal of storage. Email in profile is good if you'd rather not say publicly then be told how wrong you are by others.

When fist put NH3 storage in. Semi load vs retail spread was around $50 ton, then for a number of years was around $100 ton, last few years spread is around $200 ton.
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