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What are you guys using for pasture seed
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Posted 12/23/2024 18:42 (#11023070 - in reply to #11022055)
Subject: RE: What are you guys using for pasture seed

Alfalfa never lasts much more than 2 years to foot traffic and bei g grazed and always a bloat scare. I'd do all grasses. Orchard Grass, Timothy, brome, rye grass etc.
Sometimes a pain in the butt to get it to all to go on at the correct rate. Have the co-op blow it on and then take your drill and drill in oats or something to protect the grasses and then go over with the Brillion or roller. The drill will push your grass seeds in to the right depth. Be a perfect stand.
The Brillion won't get grass seeds deep enough if it gets dry on you you'll lose the grass. Need a little more depth for grass seed. My opinion.
That's just my 40 years of experience
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