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Ultrasound tool for Preg Checking Cows
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Alberta Cowman
Posted 12/22/2024 10:45 (#11021177 - in reply to #11021031)
Subject: RE: Ultrasound tool for Preg Checking Cows

I asked about this a few years ago and got some awesome advice.

We ended up getting a reproscan curve, monitor and repro arm. It was around $11k CAD from Intriquip.

I couldn’t find a training course that fall before we pregged, so I just watched many tutorials on YouTube. Both reproscan and BCF have good material

Finding breds is generally a piece of cake. I’ve had 7 year old kids that can identify placentomes and the fetus. Confirming an open is the hard part.

The repro arm is definitely worth getting. Way less shoulder and arm strain and easier on the cows.

We went with the monitor as we brisket tag bred heifers. I can just leave the probe in a 5 gal pail with J lube while I vaccinate and my brother brisket tags.

For us the real value is being able to preg check anytime it’s convenient.
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