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NCGA Contest - How come NAT is silent?
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Posted 12/21/2024 14:34 (#11020195 - in reply to #11018865)
Subject: RE: NCGA Contest - How come NAT is silent?

Central Missouri
So many have the wrong opinion of what total acre is. The system isnt designed for them to tell you how they did it on their farm this year or any year.

What the system is designed to do is help you identify your limiting factors to raising your yield and solutions to help you eliminate them. For every single farm these are different. Every single farmer has different limitations, goals and levels of acceptance.

It takes alot of time and work but the system helps you identify your limiters. Most people want a quick one fits all fix. Ever heard of snake oil? Most farmers dont want to change and or dont want to commit to change.

From our experience after 6 years of commitment. We started fixing the identified problems year 3. Our yields went up dramatically during 3 dry years and even more dramatically this past. We identified our weaknesses, figured out how to change them, and instituted the changes. We did it without spending much more pe4 acre because we identified what we could remove.

Just spent 2 days at total acre fargo. The entire second day David Hula went through soil test and tissue test examples identifying the weaknesses by yield goal and proposing solutions to the producers with the yield limiting factors. In addition:

Alex Harrel told how he manages his record attempt field and how he manages the rest of his soybean fields. He answered every single question posed and I can ask alot of in depth specific questions.

Farmers shouldnt expect these people to give their expertise away for free. They have spent countless hours and dollars figuring this out. Olympic champions get paid to coach, get paid appearance fees and get paid to give talks. These multi time world record holders should also.

Ill leave this thought with you, I had a boss at cargill back in the early 90’s that said to me “if you dont know where you are going any road will take you there”!

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