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Wild cattle.
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Posted 12/21/2024 14:20 (#11020181 - in reply to #11019674)
Subject: RE: Wild cattle.

john s - 12/21/2024 07:29

$4300/heifer pairs at Macon Mo. Thursday night...

The $4300 2 year old pairs had AI calves by side. Mostly all black cows. One buyer took them all. They might of been bred back I can't remember.

I sold the baldy $3900 pairs behind them. They were back tagged as 3 year olds but were first time calver's. Technically they won't turn 3 until spring. They calved this fall on their own and we checked them about once every week or two as we were in harvest. So not as consistent group of calves and bulls not running back as long with them.

The red litter mates where back $350 at $3550. I probably should of kept them as they had the biggest calves on them but the wife said we need money! Lol
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