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Are there any biological products which actually pay for themselves?
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Posted 12/17/2024 09:10 (#11013497 - in reply to #11012391)
Subject: RE: Are there any biological products which actually pay for themselves?

I’ve tried so many and my best response was no response. Several in side by side trials LOST yield. The biggest budget for all these biological companies is marketing. Their costs for their products even when they “own the entire process” is next to nothing.

Biologicals got expensive so it became a game of remove the money you spend on biologicals and pull that from fertilizer budget. They must not be risk managers because that is the worst damn risk to reward proposition in history. I tried for a couple years here and the lost revenue is incredible. That doesn’t stop the non stop marketing and self proclaiming “ag disruptors” from constantly bombarding social media with photos but then never providing yield data We are now told they serve a purpose that isn’t necessarily yield. Well my job is to make money. Yield is a very important component to that along with price. I can manage those two pretty well as long as I don’t start replacing fertilizer with tiny amounts of biology that already exist in my soil. One of the best soil guys seems to have been bought now by a biological company. He and I use to talk every now and then and it was walk before you run on biologicals. Now he is captured and is just whole hog it seems.
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