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Good and bad of a john deere 333g ctl
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Posted 12/3/2024 08:45 (#10993362 - in reply to #10992638)
Subject: RE: Good and bad of a john deere 333g ctl

NE Indiana
I would highly recommend a P series. Have had 2 333g's and now a P. They are beasts for dirt work and lifting. The g's auxiliary hydraulics aren't the best. They really bog down when using an auxiliary function and driving at the same time or lifting and turning. The P series fixed all those issues with the closed center hydraulic system. We run a composter on the front of ours in poultry houses. The cab filter on the G's suck. Not sure on the P yet as I haven't run it enough but seems to be better with the pressurized cab. Should be able to get into a new fully loaded high flow 333P for just a tick over 100K. Not sure how that compares to a Cat, but I know its considerably cheaper than a bobcat.
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