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7820 vs 7830 John Deere cabs
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Posted 12/1/2024 14:42 (#10990686)
Subject: 7820 vs 7830 John Deere cabs

Looking at a 7820 and 7830 JD -both are about 2 hrs away so not seen in person yet. I like the 8.1L in the 7820 as its a very tough reliable engine, but I do like the 7830 having autosteer ready ability. I do hear some issues about the 6.8L having various engine head / valve problems which scares me a little - maybe thats more of an issue with the 6.8L in the 9570 combines though?

My main question - Are the cabs different on these two machines? They have the same "look" on the outside but notice a few difference with the inside (steering column). I have a 7810 JD now so I'm familiar with that cab style.

Edited by Mattchu60 12/1/2024 15:18
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