Coles County, Illinois | I have a 26.5' TM1 and IMO the biggest reason to go for a TM2 in an under 32' would be to run a mounted drag and reel harrow. I called DMI Engineering about mounting one on mine and they said it was too much weight. Mainly during transport. I run a 5 bar drag and no longer think a reel is necessary.
As far as shanks, there appears to be two different weights. Mine was built in year two and has the lighter weight version. I do break pivot bolts in the front two rows. I just carry them on the machine and it only takes 5 minutes to replace them. The breakage rate seems to be about 1 every 200 acres.
About wheel bearing issues, I do go thru wing wheel bearings but I think the issue is with water getting into them from sitting outside folded up in the rain. DMI uses IMO a strange design seal that I cannot find locally so I stock these bearing that Shoup sells as a kit.
I pull mine with a strong 8100 MFWD Deere and can run up to 8 mph with it. I like how it does at 6.8 mph but I'm just needing to keep ahead of an 8 row planter. Capacity isn't an issue with it for me.
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