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? For no til soybean growers
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Posted 11/21/2024 08:59 (#10976466 - in reply to #10975031)
Subject: RE: ? For no til soybean growers

Brookston, IN
It seems like "here" planting beans into ground that was only worked shallow after corn is the hardest way to plant them, all the stalks are concentrated at the 0-3" depth. It seems like keeping all the stalk material on top of the soil or burying it deep leads to the best seed bed to plant into. As far as harvesting I doubt you'll be able to tell a difference from chisel plowing and then running a FC in the spring as opposed to one disk pass in the fall, either way all the stalks are knocked down and the head doesn't care if its sliding across corn stalks or bare soil, it might actually float better over the stalks now that we are talking about it.
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