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No-till Drip Cotton and fertilizer application
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Posted 11/20/2024 17:27 (#10975597 - in reply to #10974083)
Subject: RE: No-till Drip Cotton and fertilizer application

Nazareth, TX
I farm north of you, around Tulia, and have a business that manufactures acid and neutral NPKS/Micro fertilizer blends. I have customers that no-till in drip and put all of their fertility through the tape. Fertigating season needs is much easier when every nutrient is all in one tank mix. Most of our guys apply it all in 3-4 timed applications, with some timing it out over most of the irrigation season. We manage pivots in the same fashion, with or without preplant apps. I've never had anyone not be able to get everything out in a season. Neise is correct that K can go through the tape. Any nutrient can go through tape in the right form. For the most part, the only preplant fertility I see much of on our drip guys is compost. Be happy to visit with you if you'd like - 8O6-6two7-733seven.
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