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Thinking about less/no starter trials in corn this spring.
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Posted 11/20/2024 13:46 (#10975371 - in reply to #10972435)
Subject: RE: Thinking about less/no starter trials in corn this spring.

East Central Nebraska
Buddy and I just had similar conversation a couple days ago. He is trying to cut cost and wanted my opinion. My farm--I run in furrow with rebounders/ 5 gal/acre--20 years ago ran starter on the planter and every year did a test plot and the no starter pass was nearly similar as the starter pass. Basically didn't pay for itself. Did this for at least 5 years. Got a different planter and never put starter system back on. Couple years ago, my son-in-law's dad said they went back to starter and seeing it pay. Cooler wet springs and seemed logical to me. They also farm 70 miles from me, so different area. So I just happen to see a set up on an action for the planter and bought it really cheap. I put it on the planter 3 years ago. That year on a couple different numbers, it averaged 12 bushels better. Last 2 years, the no-starter pass actually outyielded the starter pass by a bushel. Corn sure looks better but I've come to the conclusion that 3 years ago, we nearly burnt up and the starter probably helped as the plant was in better shape when the drought started. This was 120 bushel corn and thought it was going to be 80. Last 2 years we had really good yields. That was 10-34 starter. Last year I used the low salt version or safe starter and don't remember the number. This was replicated on 2 different farms and different brands of corn with nearly the same results. So my farm and system. I haven't had any plugging problems with strainers. So the factor for slowing me down doesn't affect me other that filling the tank. I am wondering too if I should take it off the planter and sell it. I'd suggest do a trial and see what you get.
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