NEMO | E.Daehler - 11/18/2024 18:13
A not best laying farm but decent yields sold today. 133 tillable acres just south of I70 and off 13 hwy. $8,050 an acre. Dairy bought it, they have been buying just about everything that comes up. Always been told that theres no money in the dairy industry.
On another note, a farm that is straight north of this one is supposed to be coming up. Eyed it for 2/3s of my life, 20 years. Man actually was first person to ever pay me for laybor. $100 for darn long days when i was 13 or 14. If most know the guy they'd understand its a big deal lol. How can someone that doesn't have the built up equity compete? Im all for free market and capitalism but when is it enough for some of these guys? I'd like enough to maybe raise a family on, if not just enough i dont have to work an intown job and maintain the family ground that is supposed to be passed on.
You can hope, wish and dream.
Or you can make a plan, work your butt off, save, save and save some more for a down payment.
The sooner you get over the idea that 'others have enough but keep getting more' the better off you will be. Enough is never enough.
Talk to different bankers and see how much they need for a down payment. Look into the beginning farmer loans. Plan accordingly.
Somehow befriend these guys you think have too much and try to learn something from them. Let it be known you are looking for ground to rent or buy. Sometimes you have to take scraps now to be in a position to build on later. Some farmers let smaller patches or further away fields go when they pick up farms closer to home. Someone might throw you a bone.
There is tons of opportunities if someone is willing to work. Think outside the box. Mobile power washing service, custom manure application or pumping, trucking, lawn mowing, etc. None of this is glamorous but if there is a will there is a way.
And most importantly, if you don't go to church, start. If you don't pray, start. If you don't tithe, start. God's Blessings are sometimes unexplainable, but they are amazing. I wouldn't be where I'm at today without the good Lord's hand in it all. |