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Post Weaning Calves - Confinement vs Pasture
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Posted 11/17/2024 20:51 (#10971719 - in reply to #10971565)
Subject: RE: Post Weaning Calves - Confinement vs Pasture

Big Sky Country
My FIL did things his way. Run cattle outa the hills, put them on hay meadows on the river for a bit.

Run them in, cut calves off and put them back where they were.

Cows stood in corral for a couple days—water only. Maybe 3 days, if it was nice. Their winter pasture was 8 miles down the road, according to him, when he opened the gate, they didn’t slow down till they got there.

Very very trouble free set of cattle —-grass and cake country, hubs and 4 wd a lot in the summer, when it was dry. “Sometimes the best thing a heifer calf can do for you if sick is lay down and die…..”

Ok, boss—how do you figger that one?!

Well, you put a lot of time and medicine in her and she turns out good, you keep her, you keep her daughters—-and you wake up realize a lotta problems are in that one line—hell, shoulda went to the bar and let nature do the sortin, been ahaid..

He’d been doing this a while, I got some of his cows—-most self sufficient, trouble free ever

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