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Running weaned calves and dry cows together?
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Posted 11/17/2024 17:19 (#10971384)
Subject: Running weaned calves and dry cows together?

perryton, tx
Would this be a mistake? Due to the unseasonable rainfall we’ve been receiving I’ve been unable to turn calves out on wheat pasture and I had to pull everything off stalks and go back to grass due to the mud. Calves weaned 2.5 months are in one pasture and dry mommas (4-5 months pregnant) are in another but it would help ease some of the grazing pressure if I could move some cows over to the pasture that the calves are in until it dries out. I know I’ll have to re-sort them at some point which is no big deal but I’m wondering what other issues doing this might present. Any input appreciated.

Edited by Joelt 11/17/2024 18:12
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