Doug61 - 11/15/2024 13:50
will be:
I don't have one of these but at least it tries to keep steel out of the muck. I yet need to price and see one in person but I think it could last the longest of any thing out there
Full Disclosure: I am a dealer for the Best and the Bextra mentioned above. The Best are very popular, I have somewhere around 100 out with very few complaints, biggest thing is and it is true with any type of cradle feeder is it can be hard to get wrap or strings off without the bale falling apart before you get it in the feeder. I took a 2-3 month old J&L Haysaver in trade last year on one after he bought 2 of the Best. Some of the metal feeders are a real pain to move, with the Best you use pallet forks or twin bale spears put the points under the cone and the rest bottom pipe under the back of the forks or spears. Guy who bought the Haysaver from said his cows tend to pull some hay out of them and it made sense to me after he said it as I have noticed even in ring style feeders that cows pull less out of a taller feeder then they do the shorter ones- they do not like hitting the back of their neck on the top bar. If you are buying a Bextra DO NOT BUY the green ones they are 1 gauge lighter and they are not lasting very well red or black are both OK. I would never try to feed 27 cows on one bale feeder much less 27 pairs, not nearly enough feeders, my rule of thumb is I like hay to last about 3 days unless it is wet and muddy then less if dry or frozen then longer is OK, Usually about 10-12 cows seems about right.