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Posted 11/14/2024 12:11 (#10967025 - in reply to #10966919)
Subject: RE: Weaning

Central Saskatchewan Canada
Jim - 11/14/2024 10:36

Ben - 11/13/2024 21:17 I will respectfully disagree

Same here. Have fenceline weaned for years. Work them and cows go one way, calves go the other. No problems. they're on either side of a waterer and gate. There's a day or twwo of bawling but then they just seem to meet at the gate or fence. Cows seem to see their calves are ok then move on.

I have NEVER had one push a fence etc but these are Herefords... ;-)   Any wild ones are long since in a Big Mac at McD's. Having culled down to gentle genetics, even on my bulls, in a rotational grazing system, pays off in many ways.

Calves get the best hay I have and each side of the waterer has a Mineral-lyx barrel and salt. No problems whatsoever.

After a few weeks of fenceline weaning I can load and move the calves with no problem.

These calves you wean are 11 months old not? Little different weaning at 7 months compared to 11 months.
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