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Cobett waterers in a feedlot?
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Mark in NEMO
Posted 11/12/2024 18:33 (#10964498)
Subject: Cobett waterers in a feedlot?

Northeast Missouri
I like Cobetts, but until this fall I didn't have any in a feedlot. We installed one in a feedlot this fall, in a fence line

We fed out a few fat cattle this summer/fall, and it seemed like they crapped in the water too much. We and installed the Cobett with a mound of gravel over geotextile surrounding it. I didn't have much trouble with manure in the waterer which the Cobett replaced, but it was on a concrete pad and sitting in the middle of it on an elevated section of concrete that prevented the cattle from standing within about 1 foot of the other words, standing with back feet close to the waterer woudn't happen.

The fat cattle are gone but I'm backgrounding a few calves in the adjacent lot and for now have stood a freestanding panel at a 90 degree angle to the fenceline to split access to the waterer in half, figuring that may reduce "loitering" with calf butts hanging over the waterer.

Anybody else have experience with Cobetts in a feedlot (other than the capacity problem I'm aware of for larger pens of cattle)?

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